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    Beijing Tong Ren Tang Angong Niuhuang Pills 3g*1 pill/box Clears away heat and detoxifies, calms the nerves and opens the mind

    【Drug name】

    Generic name: Angong Niuhuang Wan

    Pinyin: Angong Niuhuang Wan

    【Ingredients】Bezoar, concentrated powder of buffalo horn, musk, pearl, cinnabar, realgar, coptis root, scutellaria, gardenia, turmeric, borneol.

    【Properties】This product is a large honey pill with gold coating. After removing the gold coating, it is yellow-orange to reddish brown, with a strong aroma and a slightly bitter taste.

    【Functions and indications】Clearing away heat and detoxifying, calming the nerves and opening the orifices. Used for fever, evil entering the pericardium, high fever convulsions, coma and delirium; stroke coma and encephalitis, meningitis, toxic encephalopathy, cerebral hemorrhage, sepsis with the above symptoms.

    【Specifications】Each pill weighs 3g.

    【Usage and Dosage】Oral. 1 pill at a time, once a day; children under three years old take 1/4 pill at a time, and children from four to six years old take 1/2 pill at a time, once a day; or follow the doctor’s advice.
    [Adverse Reactions] There are reports in the literature that improper use of this product can cause hypothermia, and some patients may experience allergic reactions.
    [Contraindications] Not yet clear.

    Original price was: $280.00.Current price is: $249.00.
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